Thursday, 21 April 2011

Opening Night of 'M - Exhibition' and Exhibition Review...

     Some of the work ...
       Lucy Webb - As Cold As Ice    Karoline White - Untitled

Markus Stefan -  
M - Exhibition Review

In the beginning we did have a space that the college was giving us, but we as a group we decided that we wanted to go with our own space, which I believe makes the exhibition more unique and ours.
When we got into the space I found that the practicality of the space was quite low. As it was very damp and the logistics team had a hard time with the moisture, as some of the boards became quite damp and weren’t drying out. We had the same problem with the paint, it just didn’t seem to dry. The layout of the boards was put together really well.
The marketing team did an amazing job at designing the posters and flyers. The M website has been a hit. The way they have laid it out looks very professional. The only problem I had was that I don’t believe that they sent out a press release for the show, which would have been very beneficial.
We did have a problem with the catalogue, the curating team had spent quite a lot of time and energy on the catalogue but in the end we didn’t have enough funds to produce it, which was a shame. The hanging of the exhibition went quite well the curators did a good job of that. With just a few tweaks that needed to be done when all the work was in. I found because of the uniqueness of the exhibition space some of the work didn’t seem to fit there, but on the other hand it complemented some others.
Out of each group there was only a few that pulled their weight to put on the exhibition, and the people that did do the work did an amazing job.
Opening night was very successful, and the audience seemed to mainly consist of fellow students and parents, which to me seems about right it this stage of our career.
In my opinion the plaques with our names on them were in the wrong place. They should have been higher up to the right of the piece of work. Reading the piece left to right. So the viewer can view the piece then find out more information. I believe in some situations there needs to be information on each piece as it becomes quite confusing to the viewer to identify which piece is which. The height of the white walls I found was an issue for some of the pieces as they didn’t seem to fit in with the urban look of the space and more suited to a white gallery space. There was too much visual noise around them.
I think that it would have been more beneficial to personally invite people to the opening night. People from newspapers and galleries etc. We could have also made the exhibition open to the local community by researching it in advance and making the show relevant.
Overall I found the experience of the exhibition one I will never forget. Even though it was very stressful I enjoyed it and would like to do it again. I have learnt quite a lot over the past few weeks.

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